Financial Services
Web App
AI Reporting

From Hesitation to Automation: Streamlining Product workflow Driving 90% Efficiency in Report Reconciliation

Boosted task success rate by 90% and saved 60 hours per filing cycle by streamlining the manual reconciliation of facts in 10K and 10Q financial reports, enhancing the precision and speed of financial tie-outs.
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Financial Services
Dashboard Design

Boosted Paralegal Efficiency and Accuracy with 50% Faster Financial Reporting

Led the design of an initiative to reduce the churn rate of the Fitbit mobile application by reinforcing behavior change and increasing community engagement.
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Interaction Design
Behavior change

The Power of Personalization: How Targeted Community engagement Boosted App Retention

Led the design of an initiative to reduce the churn rate of the Fitbit mobile application by reinforcing behavior change and increasing community engagement.
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Sundance Institute Website Design

Conducted a content audit of the entire website and redesigned information architecture for 50+ webpage.
Mobile UX
Business Strategy
Product Design

Designed to Expand Access, Foster Inclusivity, and Drive Business Growth.

Developed a comprehensive strategy for a business case aiming to extend the user base of the LinkedIn and Microsoft ecosystem into an unexplored area.
Coming Soon
My Featured Work
Financial Services
Web App
5 min read

Streamlining Financial Reports: 90% Faster Task Success, Saving 60 Hours/Cycle

Boosted task success rate by 90% and saved 60 hours per filing cycle by streamlining the manual reconciliation of facts in 10K and 10Q financial reports, enhancing the precision and speed of financial tie-outs.
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Financial Services
Dashboard Design
5 min read

Workiva - Financial Reporting Dashboard.

Enhanced financial oversight and reduced manual management time by 50% by integrating Workiva products into dynamic dashboard widgets, which improved work efficiency and helped users prioritize tasks and oversee financial report volumes.
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Interaction Design
Behavior change
5 min read

Fitbit Mobile App - Enhancing Community Engagement,

Led the design of an initiative to reduce the churn rate of the Fitbit mobile application by reinforcing behavior change and increasing community engagement.
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Sundance Institute Website Design

Conducted a content audit of the entire website and redesigned information architecture for 50+ webpage.
Mobile UX
Business Strategy
Product Design

Designed to Expand Access, Foster Inclusivity, and Drive Business Growth.

Developed a comprehensive strategy for a business case aiming to extend the user base of the LinkedIn and Microsoft ecosystem into an unexplored area.
Coming Soon

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IA Redesign
8 min read

Sundance Institute Website

Conducted a content audit of the entire website and redesigned information architecture for 50+ webpage.

Conversation Design ToolKit for Accessible Design

Conducted user research and ideated a design toolkit foe designers to help start informed discussions keeping accessibility at the centre.

Gratifood - beyond the plate

Finalists and the only design paper publication from Indiana University-Bloomington at ACM CHI 2022 student design challenge.